A few days ago, your dad and I were at school, (ASU) and decided we were hungry, so we went across the street to Subway and ordered sandwiches. We sat and ate them at a table next to a table where a man who looked lonely sat. He looked like he was maybe carrying with him in a few bags, all of the things he owned. He needed a hair cut, probably a shower, and who knows what else. Throughout the whole meal I was telling your dad, "we need to talk to him". Your dad didn't ignore me, but we both kind of kept eating and put it off. We, and the man, finished eating at the same time and left at the same time. We then followed him down the street, across the street, and then went separate directions. We walked a few feet and I said to your dad "We have GOT to go talk to him and just ask him if there's anything he needs". So you dad took me by the hand, and we began chasing this man!! We probably looked ridiculous, but we finally caught up to him and your dad said, "excuse me sir, my wife and I had a feeling that we needed to stop and talk to you. Is there anything you need?" The man politely smiled, said "no" and kept walking. I was shocked! Obviously if the spirit was telling me to talk to him then he was supposed to say, "Yes! I've been waiting all day for somebody to talk to me, I need $20 to go see a doctor" or SOMETHING! But no! Nothing! So, I expressed my confusion to your dad, and he taught me a great lesson that I would like to share with you. He said, "All you were asked to do was talk to him,". Sometimes in life, we may be asked to do things that we don't understand and then expect great things to come from obeying. It is enough to just be obedient without any immediate rewards. All we have to do, is what we're asked to do, and continue to listen and obey, even if we don't know why!