Monday, January 28, 2008

President Hinckley

At this same concert I spoke of in my "Music" post, I got a call from Grandma Martin saying that President Hinckley had passed away. He is what I would call my prophet. He's for the most part the only one I knew. And as I've had a few moments to reflect on his life I wish to impress upon your minds the importance of prophets and the church today. The church is not led, nor run my the president of the church, rather by our Savior, Jesus Christ. However, our prophet is in direct contact with The Savior and when our prophet speaks, we must listen. As my prophet has passed, I have mixed emotions. I am excited for him to see his sweet wife again. I am sad I don't get to see his face at conference anymore. And though I can read his words forever more, I will never again have the opportunity to hear live, "fresh" revelation from him, and I hope and pray that you will never take for granted a living prophet. Listen to your prophet. Love him. And heed to his counsel. 


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